Holiday Thank you

During this time of Thanks, we wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to all the moms, dads, grandparents, caregivers, friends, nurses, doctors, safety officers, and teachers who dedicate their lives to raising the next generation. Your love, sacrifices, and unwavering commitment create the foundation upon which a better world can be built.

Do you miss staying connected with friends and loved ones over the Holidays? It seems to be getting more expensive to visit every day. With the cost of air travel and gas on the rise, and the increase of hate speech and political rhetoric in the air, we thought we needed a better, smarter, more positive way to stay connected, don't you?

We want to express our thanks in a tangible way by helping people feel connected over the holidays with their loved ones and themselves. We're delighted to offer you free access to our newest product - BetterPlanet's Health & Wellness Challenge.

In a world that is often fast-paced and ever-changing, taking a moment to acknowledge the goodness around us fosters a sense of connection and joy. The history of thanking others is deeply rooted in the understanding that this practice not only strengthens the bonds between individuals but also plays a pivotal role in cultivating global harmony.

Check it out to learn more... can't hurt - it's free and private. As you explore our product, we hope it becomes a meaningful part of your daily life, enhancing your well-being and fostering a culture of appreciation. Let us know what you think!!

Wishing you and your loved ones the happiest of holidays. May this season be filled with love, warmth, and moments of genuine gratitude.

With sincere thanks,

Nicole Martinez and The BetterPlanet Co op Team

BetterPlanet Coop


Product Launch - Join Challenges


Donation Sent to Maui Strong Fund