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Health & Wellness

Literature Review: Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma" is a thought-provoking exploration of the modern food industry and its impact on health. Through a journey that traces the origins of our meals, Pollan highlights the complex relationships between humans, agriculture, and the environment. By raising awareness about the consequences of food choices, the book encourages readers to make informed decisions about their diets. In promoting a deeper understanding of the sources of our food and advocating for sustainable farming practices, "The Omnivore's Dilemma" contributes to both individual well-being and the health of the planet.

Literature Review: Another insightful work by Michael Pollan, "In Defense of Food" challenges conventional wisdom about nutrition and diets. Pollan provides a straightforward and accessible guide to healthy eating, emphasizing the importance of whole foods and traditional diets. By urging readers to focus on real, unprocessed foods and to question prevailing dietary trends, the book contributes to a more conscious and health-oriented approach to nutrition. "In Defense of Food" is not just a guide to individual wellness but also a call to rethink our collective relationship with food for the betterment of both personal health and the environment.

Literature Review: Eric Schlosser's "Fast Food Nation" is a groundbreaking expose on the fast-food industry and its profound impact on public health. The book delves into the unhealthy practices of the fast-food business, from the exploitation of workers to the environmental consequences of industrial agriculture. By uncovering the hidden costs of cheap and convenient food, Schlosser prompts readers to reconsider their eating habits and support a more sustainable and ethical food system. "Fast Food Nation" serves as a wake-up call, advocating for a shift towards healthier, locally sourced, and ethically produced food choices for the betterment of both personal and planetary well-being.

Environmental Sustainability

Literature Review: Naomi Klein's "This Changes Everything" provides a compelling argument linking climate change to the economic structures that drive environmental degradation. Klein challenges the prevailing economic systems and calls for a fundamental shift towards sustainability. By connecting environmental issues with broader social and economic concerns, the book inspires readers to consider the profound changes needed for a sustainable future. "This Changes Everything" contributes to the global conversation on environmental sustainability by advocating for systemic changes that address both the climate crisis and social justice.

Literature Review: "Braiding Sweetgrass" by Robin Wall Kimmerer beautifully weaves together indigenous wisdom and scientific knowledge to advocate for a more harmonious relationship with the natural world. Kimmerer explores the reciprocal relationship between humans and the environment, emphasizing the need for gratitude and stewardship. By promoting ecological consciousness and a deep connection to the land, the book encourages a paradigm shift towards sustainable living. "Braiding Sweetgrass" inspires readers to appreciate the intrinsic value of nature and actively participate in the preservation of the planet.

Literature Review: Elizabeth Kolbert's "The Sixth Extinction" is a sobering exploration of the ongoing biodiversity crisis and its implications for the planet. The book examines the historical context of mass extinctions and highlights human activities as a major driver of the current crisis. By presenting a compelling narrative backed by scientific research, Kolbert emphasizes the urgency of conservation efforts. "The Sixth Extinction" serves as a wake-up call, prompting readers to reflect on their ecological footprint and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, making a critical impact on the health of the planet.



Literature Review: Frances Moore Lappé's "Diet for a Small Planet" is a pioneering work that addresses the environmental and ethical implications of food choices. Lappé argues for a shift towards plant-based diets to alleviate world hunger and reduce the strain on global resources. By advocating for sustainable and equitable food practices, the book lays the groundwork for a future where food security is attainable for all, promoting both environmental sustainability and social justice.

The Academic List

The books listed below have been recommended over time and are still valuable today!

Foundational (Digital Innovation)

Foundational (Problem Solving)

Foundational (Leadership)